Amazon is using its B2C
infrastructure to quietly dominate in B2B. Joining me to discuss
this is Dean Maciuba, Director Consulting Services at Logistics
Trends & Insights. We cover:
Amazon Business - the dominant marketplace in the USA?
How Amazon leverages its existing network of fulfilment
Fulfilment costs
SKU range
Amazon’s Delivery Service Partners - and shipping costs
Multi-piece deliveries
How much of Amazon DSPs’ volumes consists of B2B shipments
Amazon parcel volumes directed to DSPs - and which carriers are
missing out
Impact of Amazon’s presence in B2B on FedEx and UPS
Can anyone compete with Amazon in B2B?
Importance of the sales force
Amazon’s analytical prowess
Could Amazon Business expand into other markets?
About the Podcast
The Postal Hub is the podcast for the global postal, parcels, delivery and express sectors.